regarding not being able to use spin rod, please send a Facebook message to the
Go Fishing game support page on Facebook from your Facebook account (you will see a big "Message" button right under the page banner, click that one to send Facebook message to the page) with your Go Fishing game user ID number, and explain the situation and ask for help so that they can untangle it. From what I heard the programmers are very busy right now, so please give them some time to get it done.
This is Dung beetle lure
You can get it by completing Sheikh series of quests (Sheikh 1, 2, 3)
If you don't see Sheikh (1) quest on your quest box, (or, if you complete this series of quest, get the lure, then lose Dung beetle lure later on), then visit Hotel Marinetto so that Sheikh (1) quest should open on your quest box.